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Climate change in Innovations


Reducing the high suicide rate among indigenous youths in troubled northern Colombia

…young adults. This trend is congruent with other indigenous communities in this and other regions of the world, and is attributed to many reasons, including rapid cultural change, loss of land, family disintegration, exposure to conflict and violence, and extreme poverty. Emberá communities recognize suicide as a major problem, but there is no organized community…


New malaria policies to protect early brain development

…And a shift in understanding -- that malaria exposure may result not just in infant mortality and low birth weight but affects also long-term neurodevelopment “represents a change in paradigm that will initiate a re-evaluation of public health policies designed to protect women and children from the deleterious consequences of PM.”Today’s approach to this problem…


HappyTap: Scaling up commercial distribution of an innovative hygiene solution

…handwashing intervention, has little effect on actual hygiene practices. HappyTap aims to close the gap between knowing and doing. To do so, HappyTap designs and markets behaviour change products that improve hygiene practices of some of the world's poorest consumers. HappyTap uses commercial distribution to maximize user buy-in and ongoing use, and to enable a…


Community-based infant massage: from saving bones to saving brains

…specialists who traditionally provide massages to mothers and newborns in the first few weeks after birth. This already established traditional network will be leveraged as 'agents of change' to train and support mothers and families in adopting the proposed package of ECD interventions. The intervention aims to improve infants’ development outcomes, and to lay a…


Making the invisible visible: saving brains via lead-free districts in Bangladesh

…sources:  batteries, paint and adulterated turmeric. Stakeholders will be engaged in a process of publicly identifying and eliminating lead hot spots. Impact will be tracked by measuring changes in lead concentrations in maternal and child blood, soil, paint and turmeric. Factors that convince stakeholders to take action will be systematically addressed. In two years, lead…


Khoni-Yaku: using combustion heat loss of Improved Cook Stoves to heat water more efficiently

…heat from burning wood can heat water inside the box. This box is then connected to a thermal isolated tank through a piping system. Through passive heat exchange, water is constantly circulating from the box to the heater and vice versa, and this approach can heat water to an average 50°C, depending on the area…


Media Experiment to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh

…focused on changing men’s beliefs and social norms around gender and men’s use of violence against women. The study aims to identify the mechanism through which media-induced changes in IPV rates occur through 3 experimental arms: 1) where men receive a media kit to view privately, 2) where married couples receive a media kit to…


SAFE: Supporting Addiction Affected Families Effectively

…Piloting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with AFMs. Outcome The SAFE project showed use of the 5-Step Method led to an improvement in the health of AFMs, changed their coping style and increased the support they received. In the case series (preliminary analysis), a total of 44 AFMs were referred to the program, with 22…


Simple inexpensive safety kitchen and low birth weight in resource-poor setting: A randomized controlled trial

…preterm newborn and/or as well as to explore the potential biological pathways. The results generated from this proposed scale-up study will help to advance the knowledge on physiochemical changes in pregnant women and their fetuses in response to household air quality due to biomass fuel exposure. At completion of the project, a manuscript was under preparation


House design modification for malaria free houses: An effective and environmentally sound malaria vector control strategy.

…that malaria vector host-seeking behaviour is well adapted for entering houses because they fly upwards when encountering a vertical surface, thus entering through the open eaves. Simple changes in house design, using locally available, non-chemical materials, could be an effective and relatively cheap method of reducing vector–human contact and consequently malaria transmission. Solution An innovative…