At Grand Challenges Canada, we take an evidence-based approach to development innovation to save and improve lives in low- and middle-income countries. We are pleased to share two independent assessments that were recently undertaken that assess the impact and value of our work. Below are a few highlights from and links to the full reports.
Summative Evaluation
The Summative Evaluation of the Development Innovation Fund in Health (DIF-H), which was conducted by an independent evaluator, and commissioned by the Government of Canada through the Evaluation Office of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Grand Challenges Canada is the delivery vehicle of DIF-H, in a consortium with IDRC and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The evaluation found that:
“The Government of Canada’s investment in DIF-H has provided value for money. Investing in DIF-H remains relevant and DIF-H has produced significant results.”
It concludes that:
“It is our independent assessment, that the Government of Canada (by action of IDRC, CIHR, and GCC) has demonstrated international leadership in the use of science and human creativity to improve the health of those who need it most.”
The link to the evaluation, along with the Management response from the Development Innovation Fund Consortium partners, can be found below.
International Expert Panel Review
The Report of the International Expert Panel review of Grand Challenges Canada, chaired by Marie-Lucie Morin, found that:
“GCC’s programs have met identified global health needs, particularly in maternal, newborn and child health and global mental health … GCC has already achieved significant outcomes, for which the ultimate impact will be fully realized in the next phase of operations. The Panel also recognized GCC’s role in four additional areas: promoting Canadian leadership in development innovation, stimulating innovation in LMICs, developing new models of social finance, and focusing attention on critical health challenges.”
The link to the review can be found below.