The Learning Through Play* plus Cognitive Behavioural therapy program (LTP+) helps to enhance awareness of early developmental milestones while treating caregiver depression. A low-cost group intervention delivered by non-specialist healthcare providers; LTP+ focuses on promoting parental understanding of 5 areas of child development from birth to 36 months. The CBT component of the LTP+ intervention emphasizes thoughts and moods, activities, and relationships to help caregivers identify and manage depression.
Under previous transition to scale funding, The Pakistan Institute Of Living And Learning (PILL) piloted a father-specific program, LTP+ Dads, alongside a traditional LTP+ maternal intervention. The primary aim of LTP+ Dads is to reduce paternal depression while equipping fathers with the cognitive and behavioral tools and knowledge to be effective in their role as co-parent. Using this funding, PILL will scale LTP+ Dads in all 18 towns in Karachi as well as prepare LTP+/LTP+ Dads for further government uptake and nationwide scaling.
*The Learning Through Play (LTP) Calendar was developed through a partnership between Toronto Public Health and The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre (now the SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health) both of which are indebted to Judith L. Evans and Ellen Ilfeld, authors of “Good Beginnings: Parenting in the Early Years” for the concept of the developmental time periods and the elements used in the Calendars.