Grand Challenges Canada

Stories can make us feel seen, heard, and understood—like we’re not alone. When we share our lived experiences, we can create connections that inspire and transform. Through these shared narratives, we can find common ground, reduce stigma, and spark hope.

India is home to one of the world’s largest populations of young people aged 16-24. Yet, when it comes to youth mental health issues, there’s a significant gap in information and research. For many young people in India dealing with mental health challenges, limited resources and stigma can also make it difficult to access the support they need.

Baatcheet” (‘conversation’ in Hindi) is a peer-supported digital storytelling platform developed by Sangath and supported by Grand Challenges Canada (in partnership with the Government of Canada). It aims to bridge the gaps in access to information and support and help address the mental health challenges faced by young people in New Delhi, India – particularly those from marginalized backgrounds. Through the power of shared narratives, the idea behind Baatcheet is simple: giving young people a platform to share their stories can help them navigate their mental health challenges and connect with others who might be going through something similar.

“Stories are the most universal way that we talk about our experiences, and stories are one of the best ways that we connect to other people around us. There is research on the impact of mental health stories, in particular, on reducing stigma and helping people find support. Also, on helping people feel more connected and more hopeful. And it’s really drawing on this evidence base that we are designing Baatcheet.” Said Dr. Pattie Gonsalves, Project Director at Sangath.

Baatcheet’s innovative web-based storytelling platform, co-designed with young people, serves as a digital library of personal stories from those with lived experiences of mental health challenges. Available in both English and Hindi, Baatcheet invites users to read these powerful narratives and encourages them to share their own.

As more than just a storytelling platform, Baatcheet is also a space where young people can find connection and support through the “Baatcheet Buddy” program, which connects youth navigating their mental journey with trained peer volunteers.

At the core of Baatcheet is the belief in the transformative power of stories and shared narratives—how they connect us and remind us that we are never truly alone. Through Baatcheet, Pattie and the team at Sangath share their vision for the future: “A world where every young person has access to mental health support and where every young person feels comfortable talking about their experiences and difficulties, as well as the good things and the things that have gone really well.”

Learn more about Baatcheet!

Photo Credit: Sangath