Grand Challenges Canada

Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge Round 2 is now CLOSED. Thank you to all those that applied!

Details for Round 3 will be posted early 2020.

Successful proposals will be awarded seed grants of CAD $250,000 up to CAD$1,000,000 for Transition to Scale projects, of 12 to 24 months. Further information on our application review process can be found here.

Request for Proposals

21 May 2019: Today, more than 201 million people around the world live in areas experiencing humanitarian crises. Millions of these people are unreachable by traditional humanitarian aid delivery due to armed conflict. As the length, frequency, and scope of the world’s conflicts increase, it is becoming more difficult to reach affected people in insecure areas with life-saving and life-improving humanitarian assistance. We need new solutions that respond to the needs of vulnerable, inaccessible communities – yet, less than one percent of humanitarian aid is focused on investing in the innovations necessary to reach them.

Humanitarian Grand Challenge - English Banner

We seek life-saving or life-improving innovations to help the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach people impacted by humanitarian crises caused by conflict. These innovations will involve a connection to the private sector and input from affected communities in order to provide, supply, or locally generate:

  • energy;
  • life-saving information;
  • safe water and sanitation; and/or
  • health services and supplies

How to Apply

To apply for funding, applicants must use the online application form provided, which is only accessible via the Grand Challenges Canada’s Fluxx Portal: . Before starting an application, please carefully review the Request for Proposals (RFP), the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document, and the Application Guide. Complete instructions on how to apply are in the RFP. All documents are available at the Humanitarian Grand Challenge microsite.