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Reflections from Grand Challenges Canada’s 2020 Summer Students

…my evenings going for walks/bike rides to enjoy the fresh air and greenery around me. I find that it’s a great way for me to have a change of scenery from the walls of my home office, get some exercise, and also provide me with the opportunity to reflect. Dhurshini Appaya Team: Finance Education: Bachelor…


The Indigenous Innovation Initiative Launches Inaugural Program

…says Jeff Cyr, Chair of the Indigenous Innovation Council at Grand Challenges Canada. “In an era of reconciliation, supporting Indigenous innovations is key to creating meaningful systems change across the country. The Indigenous Innovation Initiative provides support to organizations and businesses seeking to develop or expand their Indigenous social innovation and social enterprise projects with…


Innovators Mobilize to Help Developing Countries Combat COVID-19

…response, and, with its database of 400,000 mobile numbers for beneficiary households and community leaders, can facilitate quick dissemination of relevant, accurate health information to support behaviour change and decision-making in designated villages.   2) Water Sanitation Hygiene Enterprise Development Cambodia (Cambodia) WaterSHED Cambodia’s “HappyTap Labobo" is the only commercial indoor / outdoor portable sink…


USAID Administrator Green Announces Finalists for the Humanitarian Grand Challenge, Along with Additional Investment to Assist Conflict-Affected Communities

…an inflatable surgical “mini operating room” that fits into a backpack, to enable safe surgeries to be done anytime, anyplace, piloted in  Burkina Faso, Mali, and Uganda. Change:Water Labs, Inc. – Validating and piloting a compact, portable, sewage-evaporating toilet that provides safe, private sanitation to homes with no power or plumbing in Panamá, Lebanon, and…


Very few donors fund humanitarian innovation, but there are plenty of ideas out there

…that we can’t keep rolling out the same old solutions to ongoing problems. We desperately need to find faster, cheaper, better ways to help those in crisis. Change is necessary. Humanitarian systems are not reaching the people who need it most. The most urgent emergencies, such as those in Yemen or Syria, are massively underfunded.…


Cities Need More than Just Seats: Making Sanitation Safe for Women and Children

…6 is dedicated to water and sanitation, clarifying in its targets that toilet waste must be “safely managed.”  Achieving Goal 6 advances Goals on health, gender, inequality, climate and others. The UN’s Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health Initiative, “Survive, Thrive, and Transform” specifically calls for using business models and expertise to create…


Empowering Women and Girls by Investing in Menstrual Health

…and boys with practical, accurate and age-appropriate menstrual, reproductive and sexual health and rights education. Even more, MHM challenges thinking around gender norms and sexual violence, behaviour change, cultural and social attitudes, and stigmas. It also covers adequate water sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and products, privacy and safe disposal, environmental considerations, government policy and taxes.…


Canada is supporting innovations to improve water quality in the developing world

…place in order to develop an entire ecosystem, including infrastructure, service delivery, and education. The latter is of paramount importance, since the educational component will drive behaviour change.  It will influence how people decide to collect, store and purify water. Infrastructure is another common barrier in terms of access to clean water. Travelling for hours…


Canada is funding innovations to improve water quality in the developing world

…place in order to develop an entire ecosystem, including infrastructure, service delivery, and education. The latter is of paramount importance, since the educational component will drive behaviour change.  It will influence how people decide to collect, store and purify water. Infrastructure is another common barrier in terms of access to clean water. Travelling for hours…


Helping women in Bangladesh to combine working with breastfeeding

…over the world who share our passion for improving the health of some of Bangladesh’s most vulnerable women and children. We have been granted an opportunity to change lives. The results and impact of this innovative project that support women to combine breastfeeding and work will reach far beyond World Breastfeeding Week. For more information…